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NITCtxPatcher a patchmanager for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x

NITCtxPatcher a patchmanager for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x

May 2017 The NITCtxPatchManager is back, after some changes from Citrix on the website. Finally we've made it this far. Version 1.1.2 is available. Now with support for XenApp/XenDesktop 7.7 and 7.6 SP3. You can now detect the superseded hotfixes with the report function.

Broken:( are you searching for a version for XenApp 6.x ? Go to this blog post >here<)

Searching for patches on the Citrix website is a lot of work. 10 sites with 10 patches on each site for XenDesktop 7.6 alone. Therefore I have decided to build a patching tool and patchmanager for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x. We created this application to download all hotfixes and LIMITED hotfixes.
This is the first release with all features. This tool can save a lot of work. Maybe even a few days in the year for an administrator, making it a real timesaver. Eric from has written a nice contribution about this: Automate Citrix Hotfix Installation Together With Feature PacksAutomate Citrix Hotfix Installation Together With Feature Packs

Direct downlaod latest Version 1.3.0

Please also note our other tool for Citrix :AppBot, a Citrix Application Streaming (CAS or XenApp Streaming) to App-V 5 and MSI Converter:Appbot

NITCtxPatcher Version1.3

  115150 Aufrufe

vmware vSphere Host unter XenApp 7.x

Citrix Vmware 180x180Eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben bei der Installation einer neuen XenApp/XenDesktop 7 Umgebung ist es, den Zugriff auf den Hypervisor zu konfigurieren. Die von uns betreuten Umgebungen nutzen als Basis meist vmware ESXi in Verbindung mit vSphere. Weiterhin ist auch immer wieder die vSphere Appliance ein Thema.

Die Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller oder DDCs müssen dabei über https mit dem vmware vSphere Server kommunizieren.  Sowohl die Appliance als auch ein vSphere Server unter Windows hat dabei ganz viele Ablageorte für Zertifikate. Nur das richtige finden ist nicht so einfach. Nachdem ich mich nun einige male durchgewühlt habe und mit den englishen Anleitungen nicht wirklich glücklich bin (wo ist die Appliance?). Schreiben wir hier nun unseren eigen Artikel dazu.

  16746 Aufrufe
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New Version: NIT-GPOSearch is a free tool to search in the Group Policy definitions

GPOSearch Symbol smal 180x180NIT-GPOSearch is a free tool to search in the Group Policy (admx, adml) definitions for a specific setting. New in Version 1.2 - search in the domain template definitions.

Can you once again the settings for loopback not find? Here is the solution. NIT GPOSearch is a tool that run on any desktop or server from Windows 7. on request, of some users now also as ZIP archive

  48284 Aufrufe

V-Injector an direct appv (app-V 5) file editor

VInjector 180x180The V-Injector is a tool for direct editing of App-V 5 .appv (package) files. V-Injector is a small single C ++ / CLI exe ( “< 400 kb !”) . Very fast and efficient for this purpose. The V-Injector will not extracting an appv file to your file system (like the sequencer)!

This is the first release. The biggest problems have solved and we have kept the tool on a simple functional status to find any bug! Other functions will gradually integrated into this free software (like Drag/Drop of files, a command line interface etc.).

VInjecotor appv file overview

  29787 Aufrufe
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New Version 1.4: AppBot, Citrix Application Streaming to App-V now support App-V 5 SP3

AppBot12 180x180

I released the Citrix Application Streaming (XenAppStreaming) Converter with source code on GitHub

I hope this helps you. Unfortunately the tool is not so easy to configure because it can convert to App-V language independent (an old Problem with Windows XP). Furthermore the version check for the App-V sequencer would have to be adapted. Our last project with this was a bit longer ago. You have the source code (PowerShell) and you also find a large .ps1 file that contains a complete export of everything (the hole app in one file).

AppBot CtxStr2AppV version 1.4 of our free conversion tool for Citrix Application Streaming packages to App-V is released. 
AppBot is a tool created to transform Citrix Streaming Profiler Applications to Microsoft App-V 5. Additionally, the application creates Microsoft installer files for every application. This way, you can decide if you would like to install an MSI for your old Streaming Profler application (sccm, matrix 42 or so) or an App-V 5 package. The originally installed platform can transformed as well. For example, a Streaming Profiler application of Windows Server 2003 may be adapted to Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012. If you select Windows XP and Server 2003 in the Streaming Profiler, the complete file system as well as all registry keys and shortcuts are rewritten.
AND we have decided to offer this tool as "free to use" Tool in 2014! AND I have to say it again, with the Citrix Application Profiler and this tool, you can also build free (and fast) MSI packages! Maybe for a analyse with Citrix AppDna or for a distribution.

  35078 Aufrufe

Nick Informationstechnik GmbH
Dribusch 2
30539 Hannover

+49 (0) 511 165 810 190
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