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Sign XML with Digital Signatures and Powershell

 CodeSnip180x180The code example in this procedure demonstrates how to digitally sign an entire XML document with Powershell and attach the signature to the document in a <Signature> element.

The example creates an RSA signing key, and adds the key to a "non persistent" container.

After this, we verify the signatur on a example xml



First import the assambly 

[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')

 Next define a sample xml

[xml]  $ExampleXML = `
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<user name = ""Andreas"">thats me</user>
<user name = ""Peter"">I like this</user>

Here the functions to create the key, sign the xml and verify it

function Create-RSAKey {
    $cspParams = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters -ArgumentList 1
    $cspParams.Flags = [System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags]::UseArchivableKey
    $cspParams.KeyNumber = [int][System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber]::Exchange
    [System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider] $rsaKey = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider -ArgumentList @(2048,$cspParams)
    #Nicht dauerhaft speichern
    $rsaKey.PersistKeyInCsp = $false;
    return $rsaKey


function Verify-XmlSignature {
    Param (
    [xml] $checkxml,
    [system.Security.Cryptography.RSA] $Key
    [System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml] $signedXml = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml -ArgumentList $checkxml
    $XmlNodeList = $checkxml.GetElementsByTagName("Signature")
	$signedXml.LoadXml([System.Xml.XmlElement] ($XmlNodeList[0]))
    $check = $signedXml.CheckSignature($key)
	return $check

 Example for the functions:

$Path = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
#Write-Host $Path

$Key = Create-RSAKey 
Sign-XML -xml $ExampleXML -rsaKey $Key
$Checked = Verify-XmlSignature -checkxml $ExampleXML -Key $Key

Write-Host "Signature check status : " $Checked

 Export the Public key

$publicKey = [xml]$rsaKey.ToXmlString($false);

Use it as String in your own code to verify your configuration:

	[xml] $PublicKey = "YOURKEY"
	$rsaProvider = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
	$xml = New-Object xml

	$check = Verify-XmlSignature -checkxml $xml -Key $rsaProvider
	Write-Host "Check : $check" 



zipXML-Sign-Example Beliebt

Erstelldatum 10.04.2014 11:18:05
Änderungsdatum 10.04.2014 13:19:15
Dateigröße 1.49 KB
Erstellt von Andreas Nick
Geändert von Andreas Nick
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