In the automation, we have is often the case that an interactive desktop is required. This can be achieved with an autologon. Here is a PowerShell script for automating this function.
LogonCount = number of automatic logins
AutostartScript = Optonal a batch that runs after automatic logon
RunOnceautostartScript = Optional: a batch run once after logon
Admin = $ true or $ false - should the local account get admin rights?
Andreas Nick' 2017
Enable and disable autologon with automatic generated password
LogonCount - number of automatic logins
AutostartScript = Optonal a batch that runs after automatic logon
RunOnceautostartScript = Optional: a batch run once after logon
Admin = $ true or $ false - should the local account get admin rights?
This script is used for automatic Installations with a Reboot (for example)
Function Enable-Autologon{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False )]
[String] $LogonCount,
[string] $AutostartScript,
[string] $RunOnceautostartScript,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False )]
[Switch] $Admin=$true
$AutoLogonUser = "AutoLogonUser"
$Autologon = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
$RunKey = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
$RunOnce= "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\";
#DeleteAutologonUser if exist
Get-LocalUser -Name $AutoLogonUser -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-LocalUser
#Create Autostart Useraccount
[String] $Password = 'A'+ $(Get-Random -Maximum 9999999999999 -Minimum 1000000000000)
[String] $Password+='$1'
$SecPwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
New-LocalUser $AutoLogonUser -FullName $AutoLogonUser -Password $SecPwd
# Add to Administrtors
if ($admin){
Add-LocalGroupMember -Name (Get-LocalGroup administ*).Name -Member $AutoLogonUser
#Enable Autologin
If( $LogonCount){ Set-ItemProperty $Autologon "AutoLogonCount" -Value "$LogonCount" -type dword -Force } else {
Set-ItemProperty $Autologon "AutoLogonCount" -Value "1" -type dword
#RunKey Script
if($autostartScript){ Set-ItemProperty $RunKey "(Default)" -Value "$autostartScript" -type string }
if($RunOnceautostartScript){ Set-ItemProperty $RunOnce "(Default)" -Value "$RunOnceautostartScript" -type string -Force }
#Enable Autologon
Set-ItemProperty $Autologon "AutoAdminLogon" -Value "1" -Type string
Set-ItemProperty $Autologon "DefaultUsername" -Value $($env:COMPUTERNAME+'\'+$AutoLogonUser) -Type string
Set-ItemProperty $Autologon "DefaultPassword" -Value $Password -Type string
#Enable-Autologon -LogonCount 1