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Die ultimative Methode um mit Powershell .lnk Verknüpfung mit Icon zu erzeugen

posh 180x180Mir ist aktuell keine direkte Methode bekannt, mit der man mit einem einzigen Befehl eine Verknüpfung mit Parametern in Powershell erstellen kann. Jedoch kann man Objekte wie das WScript.Shall auch in PowerShell benutzen. Ich erinne mich zumindest wage, dass es in diesem Bereich eine Neuerung gab, konnte aber nichts finden. Hier nun dennoch die ultimativen Powershell Funktionen zur Erstellung von Shortcus. Dabei u.a. auch die Möglichkeit, administrative Shortcuts zu erzeugen, die eine Elevation der Anwendung bewirken. Als Parameter kann ein "ico" Icon File angegeben werden und ansonsetn wird versucht, mit den "Special Folders" zu arbeiten.

Praktisch ist hierbei insbesondere der Befehl „SpecialFolders“, mit dem die Lokation der Verknüpfung automatisch festgelegt werden kann.

  • AllUsersDesktop
  • AllUsersStartMenu
  • AllUsersPrograms
  • AllUsersStartup
  • Desktop
  • Favorites
  • SendTo
  • StartMenu
  • Startup #Autostart

Powershell Create Shortcut Funktion:


		Create a Shortcut
		Create a link based a a spacial folder name
	.PARAMETER  ShortcutFilePath
		relative Path to the SpecialFolder "\appfolder\myapp.lnk" oder simpley "myapp.lnk"
        example LinkLocation = Desktop: ..\Desktop\appfolder\myapp.lnk"
	.PARAMETER  linklocation
		;andatory, a SpecialFolder name "Desktop","StartMenu" etc.
    .PARAMETER TargetPath
        Mandatory, Path to a exe or batch file etc.
    .PARAMETER Hotkey
        Optional, a Hotkey to start. Example : "CTRL+F"
    .PARAMETER WindowsStyle
        1 - Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position.
        3 - Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. 
        7 - Minimizes the window and activates the next top-level window.
    .PARAMETER IconLocation
        Path to the icon file and Icon Number. Example: "C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll, 1"
   .PARAMETER Arguments
       Optional, command line arguments. Example: /c echo hallo
   .PARAMETER WorkingDirectory
        Optional, execution path of the script or exe
    .PARAMETER $Description
        Optional, a description of your shortcut
        Optinal, run the shortcut as administrator
        Create a administrative shortcut for notepad.exe in the folder lalula on the Desktop
        Create-Shortcut -ShortcutFilePath "lalula\test2.lnk" -linklocation Desktop -TargetPath c:\Windows\notepad.exe -UACAdmin:$true

        Andreas Nick' 2016

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("AllUsersDesktop", "AllUsersStartMenu", "AllUsersPrograms", "AllUsersStartup", "Desktop", "Favorites", "SendTo", "StartMenu", "Startup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String]$Hotkey = "",
        [ValidateSet("1", "3", "7")]
        [String]$WindwosStyle = "1",
        [String]$IconLocation = "",
        [String]$Arguments = "",
        [String]$WorkingDirectory = "",
        [String]$Description = "",
        [switch]$UACAdmin = $false
        write-host "Test"
        If (-not ($ShortcutFilePath -match "\.lnk$"))
            Write-Verbose $('Error: Illigal Shortcut' +  "$ShortcutFilePath"+ ' - a shortcut ends with .lnk')
            throw 'Error: Illigal Shortcut' +  "$ShortcutFilePath"+ ' - a shortcut ends with .lnk'
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $DestinationPath = [environment]::getfolderpath("$linklocation") + '\' + $ShortcutFilePath
        #Check The Path
        if (-not (test-path (Split-Path $DestinationPath.FullName -Parent)))
            new-item  -Type Directory  -Path (Split-Path $DestinationPath.FullName -Parent)

        #Create a new shortcut for computers or users.
        $WshShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
        $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($DestinationPath.FullName)
        $Shortcut.TargetPath = "$TargetPath"
        $Shortcut.Arguments = $Arguments
        $Shortcut.Description = $Description
        $Shortcut.HotKey = $HotKey
        $Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory
        $Shortcut.WindowStyle = $WindwosStyle
        if ($IconLocation -eq "")
            $Shortcut.IconLocation = "C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll, 17"
            $Shortcut.IconLocation = $IconLocation
            if ($UACAdmin)
                [byte[]]$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$DestinationPath")
                $bytes[0x15] = $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20
                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$DestinationPath", $bytes)
            Write-Verbose "Cannot create the shortcut $($DestinationPath.FullName)" -Verbose
            Write-Verbose $Error[0].Exception.Message -Verbose
            Return $False


Hier noch einmal die gleiche Funktion für Web-Shortcuts:


		Create a Shortcut
		Create a link based a a spacial folder name
	.PARAMETER  ShortcutFilePath
		relative Path to the SpecialFolder "\appfolder\myapp.lnk" oder simpley "myapp.lnk"
        example LinkLocation = Desktop: ..\Desktop\appfolder\myapp.lnk"
	.PARAMETER  linklocation
		;andatory, a SpecialFolder name "Desktop","StartMenu" etc.
    .PARAMETER TargetPath
        Mandatory, Path to a exe or batch file etc.
    .PARAMETER Hotkey
        Optional, a Hotkey to start. Example : "CTRL+F"
    .PARAMETER IconLocation
        Path to the icon file and Icon Number. Example: "C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll, 1"
    .PARAMETER $Description
        Optional, a description of your shortcut

        Create-WebShortcut -ShortcutFilePath "heise.lnk" -linklocation Desktop -TargetPath

        Andreas Nick' 2016

function Create-WebShortcut
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("AllUsersDesktop", "AllUsersStartMenu", "AllUsersPrograms", "AllUsersStartup", "Desktop", "Favorites", "SendTo", "StartMenu", "Startup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String]$Hotkey = "",
        [String]$IconLocation = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, 0",
        [String]$Description = ""
        If (-not ($ShortcutFilePath -match "\.lnk$"))
            Write-Verbose $('Error: Illigal Shortcut' + "$ShortcutFilePath" + ' - a shortcut ends with .lnk')
            throw 'Error: Illigal Shortcut' + "$ShortcutFilePath" + ' - a shortcut ends with .lnk'
        [System.IO.FileInfo]$DestinationPath = [environment]::getfolderpath("$linklocation") + '\' + $ShortcutFilePath
        #Check The Path
        if (-not (test-path (Split-Path $DestinationPath.FullName -Parent)))
            new-item -Type Directory -Path (Split-Path $DestinationPath.FullName -Parent)
        #Create a new shortcut for computers or users.
        $WshShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
        $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($DestinationPath.FullName)
        $Shortcut.TargetPath = "$TargetPath"
        $Shortcut.IconLocation = $IconLocation
        $Shortcut.Description = $Description
        $Shortcut.HotKey = $HotKey
            Write-Verbose "Cannot create the web shortcut $($DestinationPath.FullName)" -Verbose
            Write-Verbose $Error[0].Exception.Message -Verbose
            Return $False




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Kommentare 1

Gäste - Ich am Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2020 13:35

super Ding, ich wollte mich gerade daran setzen und genau sowas schreiben.

Putzig finde ich den Variablennnamen: $WindwosStyle[/u]

Hi, super Ding, ich wollte mich gerade daran setzen und genau sowas schreiben. P.S. Putzig finde ich den Variablennnamen: $WindwosStyle[/u] [i][/i]
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