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M.A.D. Day 2024 Newsletter #4


This is the last newsletter for 2024. With the M.A.D. Day on November 15 in Hamburg, there are some innovations. Among other things, App-V will no longer disappear but will remain in Microsoft's operating systems. All MAD Day sessions are edited and prepared and can now be viewed on YouTube.

Session: Introductory and Agenda
M.A.D. Day Speaker: Philip McLoughlin
, welcomes the participants and presents the agenda for this M.A.D. Day (Modern Application Deployment) Day.

Session: Best Practices & Troubleshooting FSLogix
M.A.D. Day Speaker:
Fernando Martins
Microsoft Since the start of Microsoft acquisition of the FSLogix product, there has been many improvements of FSLogix integration with Microsoft components. With the inclusion of FSLogix on the portfolio of Microsoft products, that has no additional costs for customers, there has been a very high adoption of this component from customers. The session will be focused on providing Best Practices, that we extract from working with a vast diverse environments and provide Troubleshooting guidance for standard behaviours we encounter when working with customers.

Session: Does App-V have a Roadmap
M.A.D. Day Speaker: Sebastian Gernert

Microsoft There are many Information out there which describe what happens to App-V in the next two years. What is the plan – is there a Plan? What's all about that April 2026 date? What happens to Office after that date? In this Session we look the facts and unveil the truth behind April 2026 and what are the next steps towards that date and beyond.

Session:What is App-V AppAttach?
M.A.D. Day: Jim Moyle
, shows how to use the new App-V AppAttach feature to deploy App-V packages in AVD.

Session: Ensuring Secure Application Delivery: Integrating App-V with HTTPS for Seamless Communication between Servers and Clients
M.A.D. Day: Peter Rüttinger, Microsoft
In this presentation, we will explore the integration of Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) with HTTPS communication protocols to ensure secure, efficient, and scalable application delivery between servers, clients, and server-only environments.

We will begin with a short description of the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) communication between Clients and Servers. Following this, the focus will shift to the role of HTTPS in securing communication across the network, particularly between App-V servers. During this section we will also have a look at the challenges after disabling TLS 1.0/1.1.

Session: Is MSIX finally ready for prime time?
M.A.D. Day: Timothy Mangan
The last 6 years we have been working to make MSIX a primary deployment option for enterprises preparing their Windows applications for deployment. The work has included changes to make it possible, but also changes to make it easy. Are the changes implemented by Microsoft in the platform, changes in their tooling, in and in third party Package Support Framework and tooling finally enough to make MSIX eligible to be the primary choice for application packaging? Tim Mangan will fill you in on where we are today and what the best practices are to modernize your application portfolio.

Session: Deploy applications in real-time with AppVentiX
Speaker: Ingmar Verheij, Bram Wolfs
After this session you'll know how simple it is to deploy Microsoft applications to your users with AppVentiX. AppVentiX is a powerful deployment & application lifecycle management tool for App-V and MSIX, native and through AppAttach. The session will be highly interactive and filled with live demos!

Session: App-V Publishing Server Project
Speaker: Andreas Nick
Since App-V Publishing Server has been discontinued for 2026, we have started to create a replacement based on DotNet Core and a Maria DB (on each server). The server is functional and compatible in its current form. Kerberos is supported and theoretically it is possible to install it in a Docker container under Linux. We will show a short demo of publishing and App-V reporting.

Session: Code Signing & MSIX
Speaker: Bogdan Mitrache

- I would talk about the requirements of code signing for msix, briefly
- new developments around Trusted Signing our recent integration with the service (this integration is not available in Express edition but I can show a demo with a script that can leverage it without our integration)
- and I would also include a workflow with a script where I can teach packagers how to use different certificates for signing test and production-ready packages, using our free tool TweakMSIX, without actually opening the MSIX packages inside a GUI editor (like the MSIX packaging tool or AI Express) - because as you know, when you change the certificate you need to update the publisher in the manifest too and doing this inside a GUI editor is time-consuming and error prone. 

MSIX Pakete in Microsoft Intune

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