We produce high-quality App-V packages for our customers on a weekly basis. This allows our customers to respond quickly to security vulnerabilities in web browsers, among other things.
Even with the major browsers, there is usually a weekly update of the applications. When the BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) warns, it is usually already too late. Another problem is how to apply a patch, for example for Firefox during operation on terminal servers. App-V and our package factory offer a solution here. We produce very timely update packages for important public applications at a very reasonable flat rate. This is possible for us due to a high level of automation with PowerShell.
- 20 key standard applications for Microsoft App-V .
- Experimental: Some MSIX applications .
- Current weekly rebuild .
- Customer choice of sequencing platform .
- Custom configuration scripts (in PowerShell) are possible. For example, to customize web browsers .
- The service will be further extended .
- SLA for packages supplied by us .
Standard packages (App-V):
- 7Zip
- AdobeAcrobatReaderDC (various languages)
- AdobeAcrobatReaderDC_Multilingual
- EdgeChromium
- Firefox_Esr_x64 (different languages)
- Firefox_x64 (different languages)
- Firefox_x86 (different languages)
- Firefox_x64/86 (different languages)
- Greenshot_x86
- Inkscape
- KeePass
- mRemoteNG
- Notepad++
- PaintDotNet
- VLC_x64
- WinSCP
- Firefox
- Chrome (and derivatives)
- Glider UMS